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Our Mission

Banish 141 Million Plastic Bottles from Polluting Our Planet by providing high quality bathroom related products

Hi!  I’m Julene.  My husband, George, and I discovered some eye-opening facts that put us on a path we didn’t expect.  It resulted in my husband writing the books that we’ve made available, and next we decided to set a BIG Goal by starting a company with a mission that’s easy to believe in and live. 

At Mission Junes, we’re on a sudsy mission to save the planet, one bar at a time. Armed with our trio of eco-heroes – shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and laundry sheets – we’re declaring war on the plastic bottle empire. Our battle cry? If just 3% of U.S. households join our cause, we’ll banish 141 million plastic bottles from polluting our planet annually. That’s our goal, and we’re bubbling with excitement to exceed it!

Ready to lather up for the planet? With Mission Junes, you’re not just cleaning your hair and clothes – you’re scrubbing the Earth clean of plastic waste. So grab a bar, unfurl a sheet, and let’s turn the tide on pollution. Together, we’ll make plastic bottles as extinct as dinosaurs, all while looking fabulously eco-chic. Join the revolution – because saving the world has never felt (or smelled) this good!

Join Us On This Mission Right Now!

Our Vision

Banish 141 Million Plastic Bottles from Polluting Our Planet by providing high quality products you use every day without plastic packaging.

"Holy suds, Batman! This little bar of wonder is like the Energizer Bunny of shampoo..."

Sam, Platinum Brand Ambassador

Brand Ambassador Beta Test Reviews

"Holy suds, Batman! This little bar of wonder is like the Energizer Bunny of shampoo - it just keeps going and going! I'm over here, three months deep, and this bad boy's barely broken a sweat. I thought the whole 'replaces three bottles' thing was just some marketing mumbo-jumbo, especially when I first laid eyes on this pint-sized powerhouse. But boy, oh boy, was I in for a shock! This bar's got more staying power than a superhero in a summer blockbuster. Thanks for the test bar!"
“I like being a beta tester!! Until I found a good shampoo bar, I had never thought about all the industrial chemistry in regular shampoo, let alone the incredibly SHOCKING news about plastics!"